
Training Practice

The Surgery has a long standing history as an accredited training practice for doctors intending to become GP's.  This means that the practice and doctors have had to achieve a number of standards which have been assessed by the GP Deanery for the South West acting on behalf of the National Postgraduate Medical Education Board.

These are some points for your information:

  • Doctors in training are called registrars and are employed by the practice, with one of the doctors here allocated as their trainer.
  • The registrars are fully qualified doctors who are likely to have a lot of experience of hospital medicine.
  • Sometimes other doctors or medical students are trained and supported in the practice.
  • If you are seeing one of the registrars you can expect to receive the quality of service you would from your usual GP. If you have any concerns please mention this to a member of staff.

Video Recording

In Order to successfully complete their training they need to be assessed on their consulting skills.  This is done by the appointed trainer viewing videos of the registrars consultations or sitting in with them in clinic.

You may therefore be asked for your permission to have your consultation recorded.  If you agree you will be asked to give your written permission and a consent form will be available for you at the front desk.  The recordings are used solely for educational purposes only.