MyWay Diabetes

MyWay Diabetes

MyWay Diabetes is a safe NHS approved website for people with diabetes and their carers. It contains information resources that can help you understand more about your diabetes and explains how you can more effectively manage the condition.

In addition to this information, you can also access your diabetes records. Data are collected from your GP notes, hospital diabetes clinic records, eye screening service and laboratory blood tests.

People who use the service say that it improves their knowledge to help them meet goals, improves motivation to make improvements and acts as a reminder for discussions during appointments. The service is not a replacement for your normal care, but helps you to monitor your results before, during and after contacts with your healthcare team.

It is now even easier to register for MyWay Diabetes as you can use your NHS login (as used in the NHS App) to register at .

Getting Registered

If you don’t have an NHS login you can set one up as part of the registration process. You will need to have access to a mobile phone (which can receive a text message or SMS) as well as a form of photo ID. The process to set up your NHS login is explained in this video NHS Login – Patient Journey or you can read more and access the NHS login help centre at NHS login – NHS (

If you don’t have access to a mobile phone, you can complete the form at to register with MyWay Diabetes, but this may take a bit longer to set up.

If you are already using Patient Access, you will have been set up with Linkage Key and codes as part of the registration process. These codes can be used to skip the steps to prove your identity with photo ID when creating an NHS login. Download the “How to guide” for more information.

Online learning courses are also available for you to access from .

MyWay Diabetes Demonstration