When you call for a doctor’s appointment, you will be asked whether your need is:
An Urgent Appointment is something that really must be dealt with the same day because of its severity or risk to the patient.
An Acute Appointment is for a new problem or deterioration in an existing problem that really needs to be assessed and managed within 1-3 working days.
A Routine Appointment is for something where timescale is less important such as a medication review or review of a long term condition.
Home visits are also available for patients who are housebound. Please request these before 11am whenever possible and bear in mind the doctor may phone before visiting to determine whether a home visit is the best option.
In order to help categorise your appointment, and ensure you see the most appropriate person, the receptionist may ask you if you can share the nature of the problem or issue. Please be assured that this information will be treated confidentially.
All consultations with a doctor are by appointment which can be made in advance. The time allotted for a consultation is 15 minutes. We aim to provide an appointment with a GP within two workings days although this clearly may be prolonged if the appointment needs to be with a specific doctor. If you consider you need an urgent appointment, please make this clear to the receptionist who will, subject to the advice of the doctors, arrange an early appointment for you.
You will understand the difficult position reception staff may be placed in when surgeries are already heavily booked, so please help them to help you and all our patients.
When you arrive for your appointment you will see that the practice has introduced a touch screen which enables patients to book themselves in for their appointment. This saves you from queuing at reception but you may still book in with the receptionist in the traditional way if you prefer.
It is our aim not to keep you waiting for your appointment but on occasions, this may not be the case as the doctor may have to deal with an emergency. We hope you understand that we must give these patients priority and the reception staff will keep you informed of any delays.
Please let us know if you are unable to attend an appointment so that someone else may benefit.